5 Facts about Viagra, the Blue Pill for Erectile Dysfunction

Viagra: A history of the little blue pill - The Washington Post

This pharmaceutical company from the United States provides a ‘fresh air’ for the world. This is because the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer is said to be 90 percent effective.

The company is not a new player in the pharmaceutical world. Pfizer is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world that has developed and produced drugs and vaccines, including drugs for immunology, oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, and neurology.

1. Initially for chest pain medication

One of the drugs he succeeded in creating and is famous for throughout the world is Viagra or long-lasting strong drugs. Pfizer originally discovered the drug in 1989 while seeking treatment for heart-related chest pain.

Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra and Kamagra was originally developed to treat cardiovascular problems and was intended to dilate the blood vessels of the heart by blocking a certain protein called PDE-5. However, during clinical trials, many volunteers reported that they experienced an increase in erections which then inspired Pfizer to make Viagra.

2. Approved by US FDA

Quoted from the Drugs page, Viagra or the ‘blue pill’ was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use as an erectile dysfunction drug in 1998.

Viagra works in response to sexual stimulation to increase blood flow to the penis leading to an erection. Viagra does not produce an erection without sexual stimulation.

Once approved, Viagra had the fastest growth in sales, reaching US$2 billion in 2008. For many men, the stigma and shame of talking to their doctor about erectile dysfunction have eased since Viagra was introduced.

3. Not a stimulant!

Often, Viagra or sildenafil are considered stimulant drugs. Although both are related to erections, these drugs are not libido generators at all. Taking this drug also does not necessarily trigger an erection, it still takes sexual stimulation so that Mr. P wants to stand up. Blue pills only make blood flow smoother, so erections are more optimal.

4. Not for everyone

Not all men with erection problems have to take the blue pill. Men who are taking certain drugs are prohibited from taking Viagra because it can trigger the circulatory system and heart problems.

5. Multifunction

This blue pill wasn’t just for strong medicine. In accordance with the original purpose of this drug was created, blue pills are also still used to treat circulatory and heart problems. Of course, on examination and instructions by an expert doctor. Some of the conditions treated with this blue pill include pulmonary arterial hypertension or pulmonary hypertension.… Read More..

Kamagra: Benefits, How to Use, Side Effects, etc

Various ways are done by men to increase their ‘power’ in bed in order to achieve satisfying moments with their partner, ranging from regular exercise, eating nutritious food, to taking a number of strong drugs. Talking about strong drugs, apart from Viagra, Kamagra Original is one of the strongest drugs that is often used.

What is Kamagra?

Kamagra is a strong drug brand from India that is usually purchased by men for the reason that it is a cheap alternative to Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. So far, strong drugs are identical to pills (such as Viagra), and so this Kamagra 100mg Oral Jelly is in the form of liquid jelly packaged in 100mg sachets. Kamagra Jelly can be taken directly, but the liquid jelly nature of Kamagra which is easily soluble allows this strong drug to be mixed with other beverages.

Kamagra 100mg Oral Jelly is a type of strong drug that is claimed to be effective in overcoming male vitality problems, especially erectile dysfunction, from mild to severe erectile dysfunction or known as impotence. The benefits of Kamagra are because the drug contains an active ingredient called sildenafil citrate.

Sildenafil citrate itself has been clinically proven to be able to expedite and increase the volume of blood that goes to the penis so that the penis can have a perfect and long-lasting erection.

Difference between Kamagra and Viagra

Both Kamagra and Viagra, both are strong drugs that have a function to improve the performance of men in bed, because these drugs contain sildenafil citrate which is indeed functioning to make the penis erect perfectly and last longer.

However, if examined further, there is actually a difference between Kamagra and Viagra. The differences between Kamagra and Viagra are:

1. Endurance of Drug Effect

Talking about the durability of drug effects, Kamagra can be said to be superior to Viagra. The effects of Kamagra can only be felt about 30 minutes after you consume it, and last up to 4 hours later. While Viagra, although both can only feel the effect about 30 minutes after use, the effect of the drug only lasts for approximately 60 minutes.

2. Usage Rules

The rules of use are also a recognizable difference between Kamagra and Viagra. Kamagra, both Kamagra kaufen and Kamagra jelly, can be purchased without a prescription from a doctor. This does not apply to Viagra. You are advised to ask a doctor’s prescription before buying this strong drug.

3. Price

Price is the difference between Kamagra and Viagra which is important for you to consider before deciding which product to buy. Although Kamagra has slightly better effectiveness than Viagra, the fact is that the original Kamagra is cheaper. One pack of Kamagra 100mg Oral Jelly contains 8 sachets of Kamagra 100mg you can get by spending around 44.91 €. While 1 pack of Viagra contains 4 tablets on average sells for 52.20 €

Benefits or Efficacy of Kamagra

On the basis of the sildenafil citrate content, Kamagra jelly is believed to … Read More..

History Of Science, Technology, And Medicine

We live in a highly sophisticated world where everything is almost achievable. Today, the primary meaning of “science” is generally limited to empirical study involving use of the scientific method. A decisive moment in the development of STS was the mid-1980s addition of technology studies to the range of interests reflected in science.

Through rigorous courses, a variety of electives, and a final thesis, students gain an understanding of the technical and social dimensions of science and technology, become better-informed citizens as they hone critical interdisciplinary-research, writing, and communication skills.

An example of the evolution and interaction of various social constructions within science and technology can be found in the development of both the high-wheel bicycle, or velocipede , and then of the bicycle The velocipede was widely used in the latter half of the 19th century.

As our networked world is already transforming these dynamics, gaining rapid insight to trends in technology and innovation as they unfold, and how public policy may affect them positively is critical to contributing to the challenges of our times. The society needs science and technology.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Cluster


Gender Differences In Learning Style Specific To Science, Technology, Engineering And Math

Further, minors must complete one of the following: ST310 Social Studies of Science and Technology, ST320 Philosophy of Science, or ST330 Language, Rhetoric and Science.

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Famous Scientists

Science and technology are forms of knowledge utilized for different purposes within society. At the heart of the College of Sciences and Technology (CST) experience are major opportunities for students to engage in undergraduate research, working with UHD professors as well as researchers at neighboring research institutions. Further, minors must complete one of the following: ST310 Social Studies of Science and Technology, ST320 Philosophy of Science, or ST330 Language, Rhetoric and Science.

Technology is the application of scientifically gained knowledge for practical purpose, whether in our homes, businesses, or in industry. 16, 2018, Biola University dedicated the university’s most ambitious building project to date — the new $63 million Alton and Lydia Lim Center for Science, Technology and Health.


The STS Program at Brown University brings together faculty and students who are interested in the construction, operation, and dissemination of scientific and technological knowledge. In this lesson, we will look at this close relationship and learn how scientists use computers and technology to help us learn about the universe. Whereas, environmental science is multidisciplinary in nature, and includes the study of environmental systems, integrating both its biological and physical aspects, with an interdisciplinary approach.

Science encompasses the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment, and technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. In other words it is an exhaustive course that involves everything about studying computing technology, installing applications to designing some of the toughest … Read More..

Science, Technology, And Medicine, 1780

Butler’s Science, Technology, and Society Program (STS) provides students rich experience in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities through a rigorous yet flexible curriculum and practical application. The STS concentrations will provide students with a synthesis of methods for studying the human interfaces of science and tech. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Baccalaureate completion program (RN to BSN) coming to the College of Sciences and Technology in Fall 2018.

Science is the pursuit of knowledge about the natural world through systematic observation and experiments. Rosalind Franklin was a pioneer of the study of molecular structures receiving recognition among scientists for her research on the molecular structure of coal, viruses, and DNA.

To develop individual interests, through a thesis or research paper, that engage a technological controversy, policy problem, or application; or seek comparable intellectual depth in a cognate discipline such as philosophy, history or anthropology. Because the development of computers has been largely the work of scientists, it is natural that a large body of computer applications serves the scientist.

The Society for Social Studies of Science members also include government and industry officials concerned with research and development as well as science and technology policy; scientists and engineers who wish to better understand the social embeddedness of their professional practice; and citizens concerned about the impact of science and technology in their lives.

Science, Technology & Society University Of Puget Sound


Department Of Science, Technology, And Math Gallaudet University

Marshall Shepherd is a professor of atmospheric sciences and geography at the University of Georgia and former president of the American Meteorological Society.

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Science Fair Projects

Oceanography, one of the important four branches of Earth Science , is the study of the oceans. Environmental technology is the application of environmental science and sustainable development, for the purpose of environmental conservation, by curbing negative impacts of human-environment interaction, and protecting the natural environment. STS studies is a social science major in the College of Arts and Science, and majors must fulfill the college’s B.A. distribution requirements.

The personal and social aspects of science are emphasized increasingly in the progression from science as inquiry standards to the history and nature of science standards. Also examines scientific ethics, public attitudes toward science, science-society interactions, and case studies of scientific controversies.

Science And Technology Studies

The role of science and technology from the space research to the identification and exploration of the mineral resources is highly commendable. Army scientists have developed new human-in-the-loop machine learning techniques for robots or computer programs to learn – dramatically faster and with significantly less data – how to perform tasks by interacting with a human instructor. We’ve collected together a brief history of this incredible feat in human engineering, politics, and bravery.

Authors observed that the female students were much … Read More..

Center For Science, Technology, Medicine, & Society

There are gender differences in learning styles specific to science, math, engineering and technology (STEM) that teachers of these subjects should keep in mind when developing lesson plans and teaching in the classroom. Our department includes lively undergraduate and graduate programs, and postgraduate training for science and technology journalists. Dr. Cynthia Breazeal is an Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she founded and directs the Personal Robots Group at the Media Lab.

Science helps humans gain increased understanding of how the world works, while technology helps scientists make these discoveries. The Science, Technology and Society (STS) program is the product of a continuing cross-college effort to create a common ground from which to explore the relations between science, technology and society: between ideas, machines and values.

A minimum of 3 courses in a chosen focus track (Science; Technology; Medicine). Technosocial systems 38 – people and technologies that combine to work as heterogeneous but functional wholes. Science and technology have important connections to literature, philosophy, religion, art, economics, and to social and political history.

In human society, it is a consequence of science and engineering, although several technological advances predate the two concepts. As such knowledge is produced by the scientific method through empirical verification – using empirical data and observations to confirm the truth or rational justification of a hypothesis.

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Curiosity Makes You Smarter

Controversies such as modified foods, stem cell research are the issues that have brought policy makers and scientists together to have a way forward on this.

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The Relationship Between Science And Technology

Edited by Dr. Leigh Winfrey, Fusion Science and Technology (FST) is the leading source of information on fusion plasma physics and plasma engineering, fusion plasma enabling science and technology, fusion nuclear technology and material science, fusion applications, fusion design and system studies. Scientific evidence and argument are part of continuing lively debates on issues at every level of generality: social policy, the utilization of natural resources, the allocation of health care, the origin and evolution of life, the place of humankind in the natural order, and the nature of the universe.

The STS concentrations will provide students with a synthesis of methods for studying the human interfaces of science and tech. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Baccalaureate completion program (RN to BSN) coming to the College of Sciences and Technology in Fall 2018.

The Tire Society

We live in a highly sophisticated world where everything is almost achievable. From the nuclear negotiations with Iran to privacy concerns about big data, current events remind us how scientific knowledge has become essential to good policy making, whether at local, national, or international scales. The Culinary Historians of Southern California (CHSC), founded in 1995, is a group of scholars, cooks, … Read More..