How to Clean Car Windshield Safely

Maybe some of you are still curious about how to clean the car windshield safely. Of course, as a very important component, in addition to supporting the appearance of the windshield also supports safety in driving. The frosted and moldy windshield will reduce the view of the driver, thereby reducing the level of driving safety.

Unfortunately, the windshield is one of the most vulnerable components affected by interference. Starting from opaque, moldy, until exposed to scratches. If you are having problems with your windshield, you should look for a workshop that provides windshield services with the best and high services such as windshield replacement cash back legal.

If you want to know how to clean the car windshield safely, then you can listen to the explanation below. Explanations will be grouped based on the disturbance experienced.

Clean the Frosted Car Windshield

If your car’s windshield is opaque, then there are certain underlying causes. These causes include the presence of dust that clings firmly to the surface of your car’s windshield. If it has been stuck for a long time, usually the dust will not disappear just by spraying water and wiping it with a wiper alone. In addition to dust, raindrops can also cause your car’s windshield to be opaque. So, for how to clean car windows safely, you need to do the following:

  • If you are traveling and suddenly it rains on the road, then you can shade the car and rinse it with clean water first.
  • Use toothpaste to remove dust that sticks strongly to the windshield surface. The nature of abrasives (eroding) possessed by toothpaste is very effective for removing the dust that sticks.

Clean Moldy Car Windshield

Many factors can cause your windshield to be moldy. Among these is because the water used to wash the car windshield has a very high content of lime and salt. The content is usually easy to trigger the growth of mold on the windshield. There are several ingredients that you can use as a fungus remover on car windows, namely:

  1. Toothpaste

As mentioned before, if toothpaste has the property of eroding dirt, then you can also use it as a fungus remover on your car’s windshield. prepare cleaning agents such as a dental paste, microfiber cloth, and clean spoon. Start cleaning the windshield by splashing clean water and then gently rubbing it on the moldy part by using toothpaste and a microfiber cloth.

  • Tobacco

That’s right, in addition to toothpaste, you can also use tobacco as a fungus remover. For the steps, you can get dried tobacco which can be found in the markets. Next, soak the tobacco for about 10 minutes. Use the water from the tobacco bath to spread it the way you use it on toothpaste.

  • Kitchen Vinegar

You can start by mixing 3 tablespoons of kitchen vinegar in 1 liter of clean water. Use a clean and soft cloth to wipe the car’s moldy windshield surface using the vinegar mixture.

Clean Scratched Car Windshield

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