Smart Ideas: Food Revisited

Merits of Consuming Clams

The number of health benefits, which are obtained from consumption of clams, is large. The clams are defined as the mollusks that have no brains and their habitat is the beachy sand. The consumption of clams is not just for filling, but to obtain nutrients like vitamins, proteins and minerals that will boost the health of the body. It is prudent to recognize that clams have more iron than it is with beef liver or steak. You should be aware that the level of contaminants in clams are low, thus considered the best in the seafood. You will have an assurance that anemia will be avoided and you will obtain the right fats and proteins when you consume the clams. You should be aware that clams are readily available in the market and will be useful in offering the below benefits.

The clams offer more iron when compared to beef. It is essential to learn that iron is vital in the transportation of oxygen within the body tissues and cells. The advantage of clams is that they are rich in more iron, thus the transportation of oxygen will be good. It is essential to note that clams will help to increase hemoglobin levels, thus the health of a person will be boosted. It is by the clams intake that vitamin C will be available in the body to facilitate the absorption of iron.

It is possible by the consumption of clams to enhance your immune system. The chances of contracting diseases will be lowered when the immune system is strong. You should be aware that clams are packed with vitamin C, which is vital to boost the immune system and keeping disease away. The presence of vitamin C is your diet is that it immune system will be improved, thus you will be less likely to contract diseases. You will have an assurance of obtaining the right amount of vitamin C when you consume clams.

You will increase chances of reducing the cholesterol level in your body with consumption of clams. The disadvantage of high amount of cholesterol in the body is that it will cause hypertension. It is by proper management of cholesterol levels that you will be assured that some health conditions will be avoided. Important to note is that clams will provide the right kind of proteins which will be helpful in lowering cholesterol your body. You will be assured of reduced levels of cholesterol when clams are consumed when clams are consumed because of less saturated fats they have. It is vital to know that high levels of saturated fats will lead to increase amount of cholesterol in a person’s body. The health conditions of cholesterol are brought by saturated fats being of bad levels.

Smart Ideas: Food Revisited

Case Study: My Experience With Clams