Areas Where Bean Bags Can Be Applied
Bean bag chairs are a kind of cushion made in various sizes, shapes and can be used for different purposes. Normally, the user sets the shape of the bean bag. Moreover, it is made from a fabric that is filled with PVC pellets or small pieces of foam that have the size of a bean. The bags can be used in different ways.
You can make furniture from a bean bag; this is the most common use. A big bean bag can be used as a bed or love-seat, while a small one can be used as a char. You can make a chair or bed from the bean bag as it is in a pattern that can be changed. Interestingly, as the bag shapes itself according to the user’s body, it offers maximum support and comfortability.
Additionally, a bean bag makes an ideal bed for dogs, cats, and other pets in the house. A bean bag dog bed makes the dog comfortable while sleeping. Cleaning a bean bag dog bed is not hard as the process includes taking out the cover and washing it. You can add some natural materials to the bean bag and heat it so that there will be heat, to fight cold temperatures. The different natural materials to be added include rice, wheat, corn, and oats. There is a feeling of a sweet smell due to the aromatic ingredients added. A microwave or oven is ideal for heating the bean bag. A spray of water ensure that there is moisture in the bag.
The material used in making a bean bag is water resistant; hence, can be used for floating in a pool. Moreover, the beads can float. You can feel relaxed after floating on water with the help of a bean bag.
Many photographers have adopted the use of bean bags to support their cameras. The fact that a bean bag is flexible, it can be modified in a way that can allow the photographer to take shots in all angles. A bean bag can fit everywhere.
Safety, especially for kids, is assured when you use a helmet made from a bean bag cushioning. When a kid falls, the round beads in the cushion aid in distributing the force as a result of the impact with the ground. There are reduced cases of injuries from bicycle riders who use such helmets.
You can fill a small bean bag with some items and use them for playing games. Bean bag toss is among the accepted games. There are different forms of bean bag toss; you can make holes on a box. The game involves tossing a bean bag in those holes and the person who tosses in the smaller holes gets more points than the one who tosses in the larger ones.