A rewording tool simply put is a tool that assists a writer in finding a paraphrase to use different words to state the same thing. There are a number of online sites to assist the writer in finding an efficient method to reword or paraphrase a thought so as to not use repetitive words or phrases in their work.
The rewording tool is an efficient way to replace words in a sentence or thought with a synonym or synonyms to convey the same thought or ideas with replacement words, effectively expanding the vocabulary of the writer or speaker. In earlier times prior to the advent and wide use of computers in writing the first rewording tool was the dictionary books of synonyms and antonyms, in which the writer would look up the word in the book that first came to mind and the entry would give the user a number of words which meant the same or virtually the same thing as the initial word.
In current times with the expanded use of computers in the writing field it is very easy for a writer to use one of the many sites available online, most of which are free sites, by simply typing in the word that fits the writer’s initial thought. The online computer site then produces a compiled list of virtually all of the words that are adequate replacements to convey the same meaning as the original word. Many times the list is so exhaustive that the writer has a difficult time choosing the right word to use. However, all in all the online sites which assist the writer in paraphrasing their thoughts are an extremely useful tool.
By employing a rewording tool the writer is able to communicate with the reader in a more enjoyable and readable manner by not being repetitive in using the same words or phrases over and over again.