CSTEPS does research to understand the processes, institutions, incentives and organizations that affect the development and production of science. Science, technology, and society In the mid- to late-1960s, student and faculty social movements in the U.S., UK, and European universities helped to launch a range of new interdisciplinary fields (such as women’s studies ) that were seen to address relevant topics that the traditional curriculum ignored.
At the heart of the College of Sciences and Technology (CST) experience are major opportunities for students to engage in undergraduate research, working with UHD professors as well as researchers at neighboring research institutions. Further, minors must complete one of the following: ST310 Social Studies of Science and Technology, ST320 Philosophy of Science, or ST330 Language, Rhetoric and Science.
NCSES collects its own data on science, technology, and innovation (STI) activities and also incorporates data from other agencies to produce indicators that are used for monitoring purposes – including comparisons among sectors, regions, and with other countries – and for identifying trends that may require policy attention and generate research needs.
The holdings of the Dibner Library are strong in a large number of areas, particularly Ancient and Renaissance Engineering (Vitruvius, Valturius, Ramelli and other “theaters of instruments,” and Fontana), Transportation Engineering (including works on steam engines, railroads, and roads), Civil Engineering (with classic works on hydraulics, bridges, and tunnels), Electrical Engineering (especially telegraphy, telephony, and radio), Industrial Engineering (works on technological processes developed by and for industry), and Scientific Instruments (from the development of the earliest optical and mathematical instruments to the more elaborate devices of the 19th century).
Technology Archives
Founded in 1958, the Society for the History of Technology initially attracted members from the history profession who had interests in the contextual history of technology.
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Science Technology & Society
Butler’s Science, Technology, and Society Program (STS) provides students rich experience in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities through a rigorous yet flexible curriculum and practical application. A study of gender differences in spatial relations skills of engineering students in the U.S. and Brazil found that there was a large disparity between the skills of female and male students. Science, Technology and Medicine, 1780-1925 enables researchers to trace the emergence and dissemination of scientific ideas during the “long” nineteenth century that preceded 1800 and extended to 1925.
We have particularly strong ties with the Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science, the Department of History, and the science and engineering departments where the faculty hold tenure. At least two of the student’s three electives must be drawn from one of the focus clusters: science and society, technology and society, or medicine and society.
College Of Science, Technology, And Health
Science, Technology, Health and Society develops critical awareness of the methods and limits of scientific inquiry, while fostering observational and analytical skills and skills in quantitative analysis and deductive reasoning. Environmental science deals with the study of different systems of the ecosystem, as well as understanding the impact of human activities. From climate change to renewable energy, from broadband policy to cybersecurity, science and technology permeates all of society and everyday life, often playing a central, even essential role in almost every aspect.
The archive runs both wide and deep to navigate the borders between the hard and social sciences. The program also offers a minor in science, technology & society studies which is open to all undergraduates. The Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program (STPP) aims to be the premier global academic center in these matters.
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Physics is the branch of science pertaining to the study of different forms of matter, their properties, interactions, and transformations, etc. Public policy plays a central role in mediating this interface between science and technology and society. The portrait collection is supplemented by a set of over 300 medals struck for special occasions that commemorate scientists or notable scientific events.